Monday, March 20, 2006

So much for our newest pet...

With our daughter rapidly growing older, we thought it might be a good idea to get a new pet to add to our family. Jasmine, our elusive blue-eyed feline, has not shown much interest in Katelyn other than making sure that she maintains a constant ten foot safe zone between her and the baby.

So we decided to get something friendly, you know, something that we knew would take right to the baby. We talked with some experts and decided on an African pit viper. We picked one up, named her Edna, and set her free right there in the living room. We thought it might take Katelyn a little while to build up an immunity to the hemotoxins in the viper's venom, but she didn't give Edna the chance to find out.


Big Mike Lewis said...

It looks like she's swallowing a face hugger from ALIEN.

Jake Shore said...

Ah yes, it seems like only yesterday when I battled and consumed my first venomous snake. Mine was a Somali Puff Adder. Damn thing still gives me heartburn. Samuel's still a few months away but we've narrowed his down to either an Eastern Diamondback or a Sea Krait.