Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love story in 100 words

As the blue moon rose huge and smiling over the calm Cabo seas, the computer nerd sat nervously on the sand with the black squad cheerleader, wondering what he was doing with a diamond ring in his pocket. She certainly had no idea. He had had to smuggle it to Mexico hidden inside a floss box (she was always very curious), and now she wondered what was making that rattling sound. Bathed in the silvery glow of the moon, he managed to stutter out the words, "would you be my wife?" Eyes wide for only a moment, she said yes.

* I entered a contest challenging me to write our love story in 100 words or less for Valentine's Day. It's no great piece of art, but it certainly was fun to write. It's also tougher than you think; try writing anything of the sort given only 100 words!

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