Saturday, September 1, 2007

Nothing to do but bounce and read

So I've noticed that all the time I have been able to spend with little Sarah has a great fringe benefit: it only takes one arm to hold her while I bounce her to sleep, and the other hand works great for holding a book.

Needless to say, that means I got a little reading done this past week.

Finished Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, posted a review of it over at fantasticfictions, and stopped by the library to grab a huge stack of maybe-I'll-reads. Here's what I came back with:
I'd ask you to vote on which one I should read next, but I've already picked one and I'm 70 pages into it. Stay tuned for another review soon.

Also, I thought I'd mention that the Clark Ashton Smith book is an anthology of really short short stories, some of which are very good. I've only read a couple, and this one (complete text) is the best I've read so far.

I haven't read this much in ages. Gotta have newborns more often. (I know, careful what you wish for...)

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